Creature d'Anges by Gilles Cantuel is a feminine Amber Floral fragrance launched in 1997. It is now discontinued and very rare. It has an aromatic profile that is white floral, floral, fruity, rose, sweet, fresh, green, vanilla, warm spicy, and ambery.
Fruity Notes, Floral Notes, Rose, Lily-of-the-Valley, Lily, Vanilla, Oriental notes
Offered is a vintage new 3.4oz/100ml in the sealed bottle of eau de toilette in the round box. Lot #707601 or #545522(?) or #546502. Please specify if you have a preference.
Also available are samples from our house bottle. Purchases of 1ml will come in a glass vial; purchases of multiple ml will come consoluidated into spray bottles unless specifically requested otherwise.
Gilles Cantuel CREATURE D'ANGES vintage eau de toilette